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👍️preke gera viskas veikia pristate laiku .trukumai sukutukai ant kabelio truputi trapus greit sulusta bet tai ne beda nes jie ant kabelio galo ir jai ir sulusta tai kabelio darbui netrugdo.
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Aš nusipirkau jį su 10 metrų kabeliu, be šių kabliukų būtų sunku.
Lo compré con un cable de 10 metros, sin estos ganchos sería difícil.
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Gera kokybė, bet su dizaino trūkumais. Jis smogia geležį į geležį be jokio minkštinimo tarp jų, todėl kiekvieną kartą, kai jie susiliečia, girdite smūgius. Taip pat rotatorius yra lydinys, kuris yra labai trapus ir per pirmą dieną sulaužytas 5/6 mano. Be jo viskas yra tiksliai tas pats, tik reikia išsiraukti laidą. Geras dalykas yra tai, kad jie suteikia papildomų juodų guminių ir šešiakampių raktų, jei norite pakeisti dviejų atramų aukštį. Aš gavau kitokius iš AliExpress ir jie išėjo pigesni ir geresni.
good quality but with design flaws. It hits iron with iron without any softening in between so you hear hits every time they touch. Also the rotator is alloy which is very fragile and has broken on 5/6 of me in the first day. It's exactly the same with out it you just have to untangle the cable. The good thing is that they give you extra black rubbers and Allen if you want to change the height of the two braces. I got different ones from AliExpress and they came out cheaper and better.
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Finn Olav Eskilt F...
Finn Olav Eskilt Fosse
Kaip aprašyta. Naudojo kabliukus, kurie įsukami į lubas. Lipnios puikiai tiko kaip sienų apmušalai, bet aš turėjau įkišti varžtą per plastiką, nes jie nepakankamai gerai kabojo ant mano medinių sienų. Išbandyta naudojant Psvr2 kabelį ir HTC Vive pro 2 laidą, rekomenduokite kilpos pakabą, kaip parodyta iliustracijoje, kad kabelis neslystų.
Som beskrevet. Brukte de krokene som skrus inn i taket. De selvklebende var fine som veggoppheng, men jeg måtte sette en skrue gjennom plastikken, da de ikke hang godt nok på mine trevegger. Testet på Psvr2 kabel og HTC Vive pro 2 kabel, anbefaler løkkeoppheng som vist på illustrasjonsbildene for å unngå at kabel glir.
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Atsiliepimus surinko ir patikrino

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Kliento vertinimas apie produktą: Gerai: Puikiai

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I bought it with a 10 meter cable, without these hooks it would be difficult.
Lo compré con un cable de 10 metros, sin estos ganchos sería difícil.
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👍️the good everything works on time .a little twisters on the cable a little fragile quickly smashed but it's not beda because they're on the back of the cable and it's on the back of the cable and it's smashed that doesn't interfere with the cable work.
👍️preke gera viskas veikia pristate laiku .trukumai sukutukai ant kabelio truputi trapus greit sulusta bet tai ne beda nes jie ant kabelio galo ir jai ir sulusta tai kabelio darbui netrugdo.
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Quality is good but there are design flaws. When hitting iron with iron, there is no cushioning in between, so you hear the impact every time they touch. Additionally, the rotating part is made of fragile alloy and broke on 5 out of 6 of them on the first day. It works the same without it, you just need to untangle the cable. The positive aspect is that they provide extra black rubbers and an Allen key if you want to adjust the height of the two supports. I bought different ones from AliExpress and they were cheaper and of better quality.
good quality but with design flaws. It hits iron with iron without any softening in between so you hear hits every time they touch. Also the rotator is alloy which is very fragile and has broken on 5/6 of me in the first day. It's exactly the same with out it you just have to untangle the cable. The good thing is that they give you extra black rubbers and Allen if you want to change the height of the two braces. I got different ones from AliExpress and they came out cheaper and better.
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Finn Olav Eskilt F...
Finn Olav Eskilt Fosse
As described. Used the hooks that screw into the ceiling. The self-adhesive ones were fine as wall hangings, but I had to put a screw through the plastic as they didn't hang well enough on my wooden walls. Tested on Psvr2 cable and HTC Vive pro 2 cable, recommend loop suspension as shown in the illustrations to avoid cable slipping.
Som beskrevet. Brukte de krokene som skrus inn i taket. De selvklebende var fine som veggoppheng, men jeg måtte sette en skrue gjennom plastikken, da de ikke hang godt nok på mine trevegger. Testet på Psvr2 kabel og HTC Vive pro 2 kabel, anbefaler løkkeoppheng som vist på illustrasjonsbildene for å unngå at kabel glir.
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Customer rating of the product: Good: Excellent